Thursday, May 21, 2015

The Unexpected Miracle

My shoulder starting hurting as I packed books, art and other things to use at a presentation at Cyrus Ministries. Did I re-injure the shoulder? There was no time to think about this question. It was time to leave. So I hopped in the car and set off to share what the Lord had given me.

As I drove out to the ministry center, excitement and anticipation rose in my heart. I wanted to see what the Holy Spirit would do. God was the person in charge, and Jesus had given me the calling of encouraging people and showing them His Love through art and words. I love seeing how the Holy Spirit touches people’s hearts. This is my favorite part. But this time there was a greater excitement in my heart. At the end of the presentation, I would be doing something new -- leading the attendees in declaring God’s Scripture promise aloud. When people stand on God’s Word, something always happens. So I was asking for and expecting to see a physical healing in someone.

The presentation went well, and a few people shared that they could feel the Holy Spirit doing something deep within them as they prayed Scripture. Another person shared that the Lord placed hope in her heart. But no one mentioned any physical healing.

After I got home and unpacked the car, I discovered that Jesus Christ has a sense of humor. My shoulder no longer hurt. The Holy Spirit did do a physical healing -- HE had healed my shoulder! Praise the Lord!  

For more encouragement and inspiration by Lynn Zuk-Lloyd, sign up for her email newsletter.

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