Friday, February 17, 2012

From Dreams to Reality

The beauty of a butterfly is not in its strength, but in its gentle delicateness and vibrant colors. It catches our attention not with trumpet blasts or sudden thunder, but with quiet-like whispers. It doesn't move fast, like a speeding car, but travels further than most people vacation.

Normally we do not think of butterflies in winter, as they are not cold weather creatures. But it's in the winter moments where dreams, like butterflies, begins to alight, and the sweetness of God-given ideas stir our hearts to ascend to new levels of discovery.

Just as the butterfly needs to go through a time of transformation in its cocoon, we need to encase ourselves in the warmth and goodness of Christ's love. And when we do this, change happens. As we renew our minds to line up with God's Word, we discover that it's out of the passion of Jesus Christ's Heart and the fire of His love that our dreams rise up out of the dust and become reality.

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