Friday, February 15, 2013

Favorite Foods

Thank you, Lord Jesus,
for my favorite foods,
For dark, green salads

and tomatoes, too.
For shredded carrots

with vitamin A,
And chopped up parsley

to strengthen my day.
Thank you for perogies

that are stuffed so well
With potatoes and

cheese that tastes just swell,
And fried with onions

in butter so yummy,
I smile and laugh

and say, “Mmm good!” in my tummy.

May the joy of Jesus, the wonders of His ways, and the miracles of God's love bring delight to you.

For more encouragement and inspiration by Lynn Zuk-Lloyd, sign up for her email newsletter.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

The Softness of God's Love

On a cold, winter morning, snow silently covered the trees, the ground and the roof of my house. Inside, the grace of God gently wrapped me in a warm, protective blanket of compassion. I did not deserve this. But Christ’s eagerness to comfort, counsel, and commune with His creation enveloped me in a tender warmth, an unexplainable contentment, and an all-encompassing peace.

As I continued to sit quietly before the Lord, yesterday’s problems and today’s challenges faded into the background. A reminder of Jesus’ promise to be with us always, deepened. Time stood still. That which was created became keenly aware of the Creator. I wanted to linger in this satisfying taste of eternity. Too quickly, my mind returned to sounds around me, and the awareness of the Almighty diminished. But the peace remained. And as I went into the challenges of the day, peace came with me.

May the wonder working miracles of God's power establish you in HIS amazing love that streches far beyond the universe.

For more encouragement and inspiration by Lynn Zuk-Lloyd, sign up for her email newsletter.