For more encouragement and inspiration by Lynn Zuk-Lloyd, sign up for her email newsletter.
Welcome to my garden of joyful art, delightful photos, and inspirational ideas. May my words and images encourage and uplift, bless and strengthen, and awaken you to the wonders of God's love -- Lynn Zuk-Lloyd, Speaker, Artist, and Author
Saturday, August 3, 2013
Early Morning
Gray clouds impatiently rush across the sky, rumbling and grumbling as they pass overhead. The trees clap their leaves as the wind hurries through them. Then the rustling leaves quiets down, giving way to the noise of commuting traffic buzzing along the highway. Most of the residential community is still asleep. Cars rest, undisturbed, in driveways. Doors and windows are shut tight and locked. The carefully mowed lawns glow with a beautiful shade of healthy green, satisfied from the overnight rain. And God continues to paint the ever-changing sky, while watching over the sleepy earth below. Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was, who is and who is to come. He is our All-in-All. He watches over the world and draws people closer to His Heart to give them hope and a future.
For more encouragement and inspiration by Lynn Zuk-Lloyd, sign up for her email newsletter.
For more encouragement and inspiration by Lynn Zuk-Lloyd, sign up for her email newsletter.
Saturday, July 20, 2013
Sparkling in His Light
The pine tree outside my window sparkles in the early morning sun. Dew clinging to its branches makes the tree sparkle in the rays of light. Water droplets hanging at the bottom of the young, green pine cones shine like diamonds. The Lord is lighting up the tree in magnificent splendor.
Shine, people, shine in the light of God the Father. Dance in the grace of His Holy Spirit. Sing with the joy of Jesus. For God is shining His Light upon His people and enabling us to sparkle like diamonds in His mighty Love as we fix our eyes on Christ, the Author and Perfector of our faith.
For more encouragement and inspiration by Lynn Zuk-Lloyd, sign up for her email newsletter.
Friday, May 31, 2013
His Holy Presence
The Lord is with me, I shall not fear,
His Holy presence will help me hear,
That God is faithful, good and true,
And in Jesus Christ, I am brand new.
I need not worry, fret or make haste,
‘cause in God’s goodness, I rest in His grace.
Christ is my Provider. He will show me the way,
As I celebrate Jesus and rejoice in Him today.
His Holy presence will help me hear,
That God is faithful, good and true,
And in Jesus Christ, I am brand new.
I need not worry, fret or make haste,
‘cause in God’s goodness, I rest in His grace.
Christ is my Provider. He will show me the way,
As I celebrate Jesus and rejoice in Him today.
For more encouragement and inspiration
by Lynn Zuk-Lloyd, sign up for her email
Jesus Christ,
praise poem,
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Ode to Moore, Oklahoma
The rain has left, the wind is gone,
The thunder ceased its roar,
The lightening fled, the dark clouds passed,
Tornadoes are no more.
We are aghast at just how fast,
Destruction hit the town,
Every home, and every school,
Is lying on the ground.
Hearts are crying, people are sighing,
Where did the children go?
When the tornado struck, some got stuck,
Will parents ever know?
There is a sound, some have been found,
Rescuers set them free…
A sign of hope, bring out more rope,
Pull rubble away to see…
That man must rise above the lies,
And know there is a plan.
That God does care, He’s everywhere,
And He’ll restore the land.
For earth does groan, and sets a tone,
With destruction in its veins,
Waiting for man to inherit the land,
To walk in authority to reign.
“Peace to the earth,” we need to shout.
“Peace to our thoughts and our words,
Peace to our neighbors, ourselves, our friends,
Harmony in one accord.”
Rise above the perilous earth,
Be seated with Christ the King,
Receive His love and bring it back,
So all the earth can sing.
For more encouragement and inspiration by Lynn Zuk-Lloyd, sign up for her email newsletter.
The thunder ceased its roar,
The lightening fled, the dark clouds passed,
Tornadoes are no more.
We are aghast at just how fast,
Destruction hit the town,
Every home, and every school,
Is lying on the ground.
Hearts are crying, people are sighing,
Where did the children go?
When the tornado struck, some got stuck,
Will parents ever know?
There is a sound, some have been found,
Rescuers set them free…
A sign of hope, bring out more rope,
Pull rubble away to see…
That man must rise above the lies,
And know there is a plan.
That God does care, He’s everywhere,
And He’ll restore the land.
For earth does groan, and sets a tone,
With destruction in its veins,
Waiting for man to inherit the land,
To walk in authority to reign.
“Peace to the earth,” we need to shout.
“Peace to our thoughts and our words,
Peace to our neighbors, ourselves, our friends,
Harmony in one accord.”
Rise above the perilous earth,
Be seated with Christ the King,
Receive His love and bring it back,
So all the earth can sing.
For more encouragement and inspiration by Lynn Zuk-Lloyd, sign up for her email newsletter.
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Huge Rainbow Poem
A huge rainbow graced the sky,
Why is it there? I don’t know why!
We had no rain, no thunder, no storm,
But outside it’s humid, and the air is warm.
So where did it come from? Why did it form?
What caused it to appear? Where was it born?
It must be a gift for all of us to see,
That Christ sends His blessings! Let us shout with glee!
For more encouragement and inspiration by Lynn Zuk-Lloyd, sign up for her email newsletter.
Why is it there? I don’t know why!
We had no rain, no thunder, no storm,
But outside it’s humid, and the air is warm.
So where did it come from? Why did it form?
What caused it to appear? Where was it born?
It must be a gift for all of us to see,
That Christ sends His blessings! Let us shout with glee!
For more encouragement and inspiration by Lynn Zuk-Lloyd, sign up for her email newsletter.
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
From Chaos to His Voice
Your Voice, O Lord God, is like the songbirds singing outside my window – soft, soothing, melodious, and beautiful. I want to tune into your Voice, but the far-away traffic zooming down the highway keeps drowning out the sweet music. I strain my ears to hear better. A helicopter flies overhead. It’s droning noise overpowers the melody of the birds.
Stop, O man-made noises. Stop taking precedence over the music of God’s creation. I want to hear nature sing HIS praises. I want to join in. I want to hear the songs of Heaven and Christ’s Voice singing into my heart.
Lord Jesus, let the sounds of Your Kingdom overpower what my ears hear. May the songs that You sing be heard in my heart. May the sounds that flows out of my mouth, be a blessing to Your Ears.
The helicopter flies away. One bird moves closer to my window. Nature’s music breaks through the chaos of the rushing world of commuters heading off to work. I listen to the bird’s loud, cheerful music. Joy fills my heart. When the bird finishes its song, I close the window and listen for Gods’ Voice.
For more encouragement and inspiration by Lynn Zuk-Lloyd, sign up for her email newsletter.
Stop, O man-made noises. Stop taking precedence over the music of God’s creation. I want to hear nature sing HIS praises. I want to join in. I want to hear the songs of Heaven and Christ’s Voice singing into my heart.
Lord Jesus, let the sounds of Your Kingdom overpower what my ears hear. May the songs that You sing be heard in my heart. May the sounds that flows out of my mouth, be a blessing to Your Ears.
The helicopter flies away. One bird moves closer to my window. Nature’s music breaks through the chaos of the rushing world of commuters heading off to work. I listen to the bird’s loud, cheerful music. Joy fills my heart. When the bird finishes its song, I close the window and listen for Gods’ Voice.
For more encouragement and inspiration by Lynn Zuk-Lloyd, sign up for her email newsletter.
Saturday, April 6, 2013
Paul, the Author

He is a Lloyd and his name is Paul.
He works with words, and he makes them sing,
So as people read them, much delight they bring.
He writes a story; he writes a poem.
He strings his words, to make them come home,
Through witty novels, both great and small,
Reflecting thoughts that are very, very tall.
Hearts are touched; minds are opened.
When his stories are shared, people receive tokens,
That takes them places,
On adventurous trains,
Beyond imagination, through the wild wind and rain.
He scares them with drama; he soothes their curious souls,
As they follows his characters, pursuing their goals.
He shows them great hope, then he lets them fall down,
As he twists the plot, and turned things around.
He makes readers wonder; he helps them to be wise,
He shows them a trail to follow, that helps them realize,
That stories can be strengthening, and also entertain,
That journeys should be joyful, and life a marvelous game.
Take time to bless the good people that the Lord places in your life, and remember to pray for those who cause stress.
For more encouragement and inspiration by Lynn Zuk-Lloyd, sign up for her email newsletter.
Monday, March 11, 2013
Winter Snow Poem

It didn’t hang around very long.
It glazed like icing on a cake,
Over trees, cars, and the giant lake.
Adults sighed, but children smiled,
They wanted to play outside for a while.
To toss snowflakes into the air,
And build snowmen with hats to wear.
Footprints trailed across the ground,
That showed where children ran around.
New clouds move in with warmer weather,
The snowmen melted to the size of a feather.
Puddles formed upon the street,
Where snowflakes melted beneath our feet.
Songbirds cheered and flocked to trees,
Chasing each other in the breeze.
Fog rolled in and raindrops drizzled,
While the snow around us continued to fizzle.
And tomorrow starts a brand new day.
Let’s awaken with a smile and take time to play.
May the joy of Jesus, the blessing of each new day, and the warmer weather brighten up your way.
For more encouragement and inspiration by Lynn Zuk-Lloyd, sign up for her email newsletter.
blessing songbirds,
Friday, March 1, 2013
Early Morning Poem

When the specks of light appear,
I will look beyond the shadows,
‘Cause I know you’re always here,
Breaking through the darkness,
Bringing forth your light,
Awakening me with gladness,
After watching through the night.
Thank you for the blessings
You send to me each day,
O precious Lord and Savior,
Jesus Christ – You are the way.
May the joy of Jesus, the blessings of His Kingdom, and the glory of His name bring peace to your hear.
For more encouragement and inspiration by Lynn Zuk-Lloyd, sign up for her email newsletter.
Jesus Christ,
Friday, February 15, 2013
Favorite Foods

for my favorite foods,
For dark, green salads
and tomatoes, too.
For shredded carrots
with vitamin A,
And chopped up parsley
to strengthen my day.
Thank you for perogies
that are stuffed so well
With potatoes and
cheese that tastes just swell,
And fried with onions
in butter so yummy,
I smile and laugh
and say, “Mmm good!” in my tummy.
May the joy of Jesus, the wonders of His ways, and the miracles of God's love bring delight to you.
For more encouragement and inspiration by Lynn Zuk-Lloyd, sign up for her email newsletter.
God's power,
Jesus Christ,
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
The Softness of God's Love

As I continued to sit quietly before the Lord, yesterday’s problems and today’s challenges faded into the background. A reminder of Jesus’ promise to be with us always, deepened. Time stood still. That which was created became keenly aware of the Creator. I wanted to linger in this satisfying taste of eternity. Too quickly, my mind returned to sounds around me, and the awareness of the Almighty diminished. But the peace remained. And as I went into the challenges of the day, peace came with me.
May the wonder working miracles of God's power establish you in HIS amazing love that streches far beyond the universe.
For more encouragement and inspiration by Lynn Zuk-Lloyd, sign up for her email newsletter.
Divine power,
God's love,
Thursday, January 24, 2013
The Miracle of Understanding through Prophetic Art
The Lord can speak to our hearts through the art we create. And that is what happened with a doll I made out of tissue paper, at a transition art class. It was a fun project and I came home happy. But when I climbed into bed, worry and fear about a recent problem, invaded my thoughts. It was a restless night and I woke up feeling terrible. I knew that the only place to find refuge was in the Lord. As I sought His comfort and advice, Jesus brought my thoughts back to the tissue paper doll. He showed me that I was fragile, like the paper doll, and that was OK. I may be lacking, but He is more than sufficient for all my needs. And growth in Him, represented by the green cloak, comes as a result of the joy of Jesus that springs up from within – represented by the happy, yellow color of the doll’s dress that is hidden under the green cloak. The tissue paper doll is also carrying a golden Christmas poinsettia, showing that the Lord uses fragile containers to carry His glory.
Thank you, Lord Jesus, for your wisdom and understanding. Thank you, for Your assurance that You are with us and that we can face any problem together, with You leading the way. You are more capable and more powerful than any obstacle before us. And thank you for turning this doll art into a piece of prophetic art – something that You used to speak to my heart.
Lynn is an established author/artist/speaker who not only continues to attend art classes, but also leads a prophetic art workshop every month. To find out more about her workshops or discover more encouragement and inspiration, sign up for Lynn's email newsletter.
Thank you, Lord Jesus, for your wisdom and understanding. Thank you, for Your assurance that You are with us and that we can face any problem together, with You leading the way. You are more capable and more powerful than any obstacle before us. And thank you for turning this doll art into a piece of prophetic art – something that You used to speak to my heart.
Lynn is an established author/artist/speaker who not only continues to attend art classes, but also leads a prophetic art workshop every month. To find out more about her workshops or discover more encouragement and inspiration, sign up for Lynn's email newsletter.
art workshops,
Jesus Christ,
prophetic art,
Thursday, January 10, 2013
Living in Peace with Nature

Friday, January 4, 2013
From Misfit to Accepted

May the wonder working miracles of God's power establish you in HIS amazing love that streches far beyond the universe.
For more encouragement and inspiration by Lynn Zuk-Lloyd, sign up for her email newsletter.
broken world,
Jesus Christ,
strong tower,
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