Wednesday, December 10, 2014

The Miracle of Receiving Christ’s Love

While getting ready to do a workshop for a group of women, the Lord impressed upon me the importance of letting participants know that HE loves them unconditionally. So I wrote down the thoughts that came into my heart: “You are My child, and I, the Lord God Almighty, love you. I love you simply because you are My child. I created you and I love you, and nothing in this world can keep me from loving you.

“I love you when you wake up. I love you when you get dressed. I love you as you go through each day’s activities. I love you when you sit down. I love you when you stand up. I love you when you sleep at night.

“My thoughts towards you are always filled with loving kindness. And I think about you all the time. For My Heart’s desire is to bless you -- to bless you when you are awake and to bless you when you sleep. To bless you when you eat, and to bless you when you speak.

“Look at ME, the Lord God Most High, and let ME bless you. For My thoughts towards you are always good. They are always filled with loving kindness.”

And as I basked in these words, a deep peace permeated my entire being. I felt loved by the Creator of the Universe, and it was beautiful beyond description. 

But the biggest surprise came later, when I was confronted by an angry person. Usually darts of anger thrown at me cause pain. But this time, the negative words did not penetrate the shield of God’s protective love. I felt so encompassed by HIS goodness and grace, that for the first time in my life, I was able to look at the angry person and not only have compassion for him, but also bless him. And that was a miracle!

For more encouragement and inspiration by Lynn Zuk-Lloyd, sign up for her email newsletter.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

The Miracle of a Healed Knee

Knees are something we normally ignore until they start to hurt. And that’s what happened to my right knee. I asked for prayer from people at church, and the pain disappeared immediately. Praise the Lord!

Then three weeks later, the pain returned. Sometimes a change needs to be made in our lives to keep our healing, so I asked Jesus for wisdom. Did I have a wrong attitude? Was there unforgivneness in my life? Was I carrying a burden or worry? Was there a bad habit that needed to be broken? Why did the pain come back? 

Surprisingly, I felt that a change needed to be made in the way I used my knee. So I began to become consciously aware of how I was getting up and down from the floor, moving stuff around, and lifting things. It didn’t take long to discover that I was shifting all my weight onto the right knee every day, when kneeling down to plug and unplug the boon box from the receptacle under my desk. When I started using my knees equally, the pain went away. How wonderful is the Lord Jesus Christ, to heal and to give us wisdom when we ask!

For more encouragement and inspiration by Lynn Zuk-Lloyd, sign up for her email newsletter.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Miracle in the Woods

Three days before October ended, our “Dive into Joy” book study group took a road trip to Starved Rock State Park. The day was unseasonable warm, almost 80 degrees! As we hiked through the woods, rays of sunshine streamed through the branches. Although many of the trees had already let go of their leaves, there were still plenty of yellow ones that rained down upon us. It was almost like being in a “wonderland of delight.” Even the woodsy smell brought a refreshing fragrance to our nostrils, and the sound of crunching leaves beneath our feet reminded us of the fun we used to have in our earlier years.

We hiked to the council overhang -- a huge cave-like recess in the rocky canyon. There, we decided to rest and watch the last of the leaves descend to the ground. One of the women felt prompted by the Holy Spirit to sing. She opened her mouth and powerful songs of praise to Christ spilled forth. The cave-like setting magnified her voice and the yellow leaves falling from the trees seemed to dance delightfully with the music. One lady lifted her hands with a thankful heart, to honor Jesus, while another took pictures of God’s trees and the rock formations. Another person sketched the forest and someone else stood in awe of the Lord and took it all in.

Praise song after praise song reverberated outward from the overhang, while each of us worshiped the Lord using the creative talents HE had given us. When the music stopped, a beautiful peace engulfed each one of us. We were in awe of Yahweh and His creation, and He blessed us with stillness and a quiet heart.
It was a holy moment. We stood there, basking in the light of Christ's Love, and then slowly left with a new joy in our hearts.

For more encouragement and inspiration by Lynn Zuk-Lloyd, sign up for her email newsletter.

Monday, October 13, 2014

The Miracle of a Healed Shoulder

A number of years ago, I lost some movement in my left arm. The doctor x-rayed the shoulder, told me there were calcium deposits on the bones, and said I would never have full movement of my arm again. 

I asked for prayer from my Christian friends, and went to a mid-week healing service at a local church. In previous services, I had seen other people headed and had also received a healing myself. But this time, nothing happened. After two months with no improvement, it appeared that I had to learn to live with the difficulty of pulling sweaters over my head using only one arm.

Six months later, I continued to go to the same Christian healing service. And one evening, the Lord prompted the leader to do something different. He told us to find a partner to pray with and led us in a series of amazing prayers. 

First, he told us to pray that we would commit ourselves to Jesus, confess our waywardness, and forgive others. Then he told us to repent of things we’ve done or gotten into that were in opposition to God, including things like having our palms read. Then we prayed for healing of our spirit and soul, and wounds that were caused by negative attitudes or unwholesome talk. It was very moving and wonderful evening. 

Near the end of the service, the leader said the Lord wanted to do physical healing, and that we should pray for that. Again, nothing happened. But the next morning, when I went to lift my arm in the shower, it went straight up! Jesus Christ healed my shoulder completely! It became fully functional, and continues to remain healed today.

For more encouragement and inspiration by Lynn Zuk-Lloyd, sign up for her email newsletter.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

The Miracle of Creating Something Beautiful

It started out as an ordinary day, until I attended a watercolor class by Rosie Martindale. Watercolor had always been my least favorite method of producing art. But that day, Rosie showed me something new. I learned how to watch special effects “appear” just by adding salt to the wet colors and nudging them to blend certain ways. Excitement sprung up, as I experimented with new techniques. Amazement filled my heart, as the images emerged. Joy surrounded my entire being, when I saw the end result. It was nothing short of a miracle!

The next day, all I wanted to do was create art. I could hardly wait to make things with the tools I had at hand. In an adrenalin rush of joy and excitement, I was also in awe of the Holy Spirit, who is calling forth art that honors both Him and His Kingdom! I marveled that the God the Father would enable us artists to create beautiful pictures. I rejoiced that the Creator of the Universe takes joy when we create art. And I celebrated the fact that Jesus Christ creates with us when we invite Him to do so. For He is the One who enables the colors to blend into the most remarkable ways to produce what is only possible through Him.

For more encouragement and inspiration by Lynn Zuk-Lloyd, sign up for her email newsletter.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

The Miracle of Asking for Help

A group of us ladies, who knew we needed training, participated in a seminar called “Breaking Bondages to Set Captives Free.” Lois Koss, from Tree of Life Ministries, led the gathering. She spoke into the deep places in our hearts that needed to be ministered to. She gave us wisdom and understanding through Scriptural truths. She shared testimonies of Christ’s faithfulness and the joy of seeing Jesus set people free! Her enthusiasm, assurance and teachings about what God calls us to do, the authority HE commands us to walk in, and the resource she gave us to use, not only strengthened our faith, but also lifted our countenance. Hope arose within us. Doubts and lies were replaced with truth. Bondages were broken. One lady who suffered with severe back pain through most of the seminar was prayed for and went home feeling much better. We were given a new boldness in learning to step out in faith, and a reminder to rely on the Lord when ministering to others.

One of the participants said it was the most Holy Spirit infused, teaching, healing and equipping seminar. I agree, and thank Jesus Christ for the miracles that resulted from a simple act of asking for help in our moments of weakness. And I especially thank HIM for sending Lois Koss to open the door to new levels of the love and freedom we have in and through Jesus Christ.

For when we find ourselves in unexpected situations where there is deception and evil influences, wisdom calls us to recognize our own weaknesses and gain understanding in the ways of the Lord. And when we do this, HIS perfect love casts out all fear.

For more encouragement and inspiration by Lynn Zuk-Lloyd, sign up for her email newsletter.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

The Miracle of a Kind Act

Yesterday, the most amazing thing happened. Several of us women were praying for a lady who was going through a difficult time. Then one of the women pulled a ring off her finger, that she had recently purchased, and handed it to the lady who was receiving prayer. At first, the lady didn’t want to accept it, but the woman told her the Holy Spirit prompted her to give the ring, and that receiving from others helps us to receive from God.

Tears ran down the lady’s face as she placed the ring on her finger and gazed at the beauty of a single, white flower emerging from an intricate background of silver leaves and grass. She loved flowers and loved the ring’s design. This precious gift helped her to understand how precious she is to Yahweh and that God is with her as she goes through tough times. It also helped her to have a tangible reminder that every time darkness tries to set in, she can look at the ring and remember the precious gift of God’s Son, Jesus Christ, and that HE loves her and is with her.

For more encouragement and inspiration by Lynn Zuk-Lloyd, sign up for her email newsletter.

Saturday, July 26, 2014

The Miracle of Stepping into the Anointing

The practicing of the presentation didn’t go well. Words that should have flowed like a gentle river, stumbled out of my mouth and tripped over themselves. The introduction sounded too bland, and the ending needed impact. No matter how many times I rewrote and practiced the script, it wasn’t coming out right.

The next morning I went over the materials again. Something just wasn’t right. Maybe I needed to
practice in the auditorium where the talk would be given. So I called the person in charge of stage management to see if I there was time to rehearse on stage that afternoon. All the slots were taken with dancers and musicians coordinating their efforts for the opening celebration of the Karitos Christian Arts Conference. But the person I talked with gave me the most encouraging words. She told me to just walk into the anointing.

That evening, as I waited behind the curtains, with a microphone in hand, the Holy Spirit gave me a new idea of how to start and end my talk on prophetic art. Seconds later, I stepped onto the stage, opened my mouth and began to speak. Immediately, there was a connection between what I said and the audience. Joy abounded as I realized what was happening was a team effort – God the Father and me, working together to relay the message HE wanted HIS artists to hear.

Now I understand the power of stepping into the anointing. We aren’t meant to do what Jesus tells us to do all by ourselves. HE wants us to implement HIS will with us, empowering us, accompanying us, and leading the way. And HE is doing this with JOY!

For more encouragement and inspiration by Lynn Zuk-Lloyd, sign up for her email newsletter.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

The Miracle of Unexpected Rest

During the past three month there were many local happening in the art and literary world, plus opportunities to learn, help and grow. All of these were exciting to be part of, but exhaustion reared its head. There was one more call to make before I could take the evening off. 

When the person on the other end of the phone asked about the mid-week class on “Signs, Miracles and Wonders,” joy bubbled up from within. I began to relay what I had learned, and found myself speaking in the most calm, relaxing voice about the hidden treasures revealed in Scripture -- things the instructor pointed out to us that were simply amazing! 

As I talked, peace descended upon me. I could feel my body slipping into a restful state. Every word that came out of my mouth carried complete calmness. It was like the Holy Spirit took over. I was so grateful because I was too tired to carry on a conversation without divine help. And while the Holy Spirit empowered my words with peace, I found myself resting in Christ at the same time. 

When the conversation ended, the peace continued. I went to bed and woke up the next morning feeling more rested than I’d felt in weeks. It was a welcomed miracle. Only once before, had I felt the Holy Spirit take over my conversation when I was too tired to proceed. And now HE did it again!

For more encouragement and inspiration by Lynn Zuk-Lloyd, sign up for her email newsletter.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

The Road to a Miracle Back Healing

Two weeks ago, a group of us decided to take the drive out to Cyrus Ministries in Big Rock, Illinois. Every Tuesday evening, they have a gathering for Scripture based teaching, prayer and healing. It had been a while since we were there. All of us, including the new person coming with us, were eager to step into more of Yahweh's peace, draw closer to Christ, and be blessed.

We walked in, said "Hi" to everyone, and sat down. Immediately, Rich Fick, the Director of Cyrus Ministries, turned to one of the ladies and said, "Jesus wants to heal your back!" Then he asked her, “Do you have back pain?” She said, “Yes!” He asked her to stand up and behold (look at) Jesus Christ, the One who heals. She did. And as Rich prayed for her, the back pain disappeared.

None of us who drove out in the car with her, knew that our friend had a back problem. She never told us that she suffered with back pain for the past six years. But Jesus Christ knew, and HE set her free from pain!

For more encouragement and inspiration by Lynn Zuk-Lloyd, sign up for her email newsletter.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

The Miracle of Change

Most of us are resistant to change. But in life, there is a time to come and a time to go – a time to say “Hello” and a time to say “Goodbye.” We tend to struggle against this transition, even when the Lord plucks us out of one place and plops us into another. But as we move further into our new surroundings, we discover opportunities to grow, new people to get to know, and the brilliance of God’s plan. And when situations arise where we find ourselves retrieving forgotten skills and wisdom that the Lord gave us years ago, we begin to see how HE is bringing everything together.

For Yahweh has a greater plan for us than we have for ourselves. And as we step into the magnificence of HIS plan, our doubts, fears and wanting to control our own destiny, gives way to releasing what we cling have so we are open to receiving divine appointments. And when we realize that change brings us the opportunity we need to draw closer to Jesus Christ and let HIS Nature and HIS plan manifest in us, than change becomes the catalyst God uses to catapult us forward. Thank you, Lord God, for the gift of change and the gift of each new season.

For more encouragement and inspiration by Lynn Zuk-Lloyd, sign up for her email newsletter.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

The Miracle of Spring

A feeling of newness filled the neighborhood in the early morning hours. I opened the curtains to discover baby green leaves on the maple trees. On the other side of town, trees covered in purple greeted those who passed by. Yesterday’s warm temperatures, along with the overnight showers, awakened dormant branches to release their hidden life -- giving us a sign of hope that comes from the joy of seeing new growth. 

All this refreshing that comes with spring blossoms and tiny leaves, reminded me that God’s mercies are new every morning -- that we are new creations in Christ Jesus who flourish in the warmth of HIS mighty love and come alive in the shower of HIS blessings. Thank you, Lord Jesus, for the miracle of spring. This season has been long in coming this year. But now that it’s here, it is glorious!

For more encouragement and inspiration by Lynn Zuk-Lloyd, sign up for her email newsletter.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Printer Miracle

My printer died. The drum light came on and it refused to print. If I had the resources, I would have just gone out and bought one, but I didn’t. So the files that needed to be printed kept adding up.

One month later, I came across one of God’s Scripture promises: “God will meet all your needs according to the riches of His glory in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:19) If Scripture says God will supply all my needs, than it must be true. I needed to print some documents that day. This was a need, not a desire. So I commanded the printer to print in the name of Jesus Christ. The machine whined, but nothing happened. I commanded it to print a second time. The same thing happened. I persisted and said, “I need this document printed, and God promises to supply all my needs; I command you to print in the name of Jesus.” The printed whined, sputtered, paused and then printed.

That miracle happened three months ago. The printer whines and bellyaches, and both the toner and drum lights come on now and then. And there are times when it pretends it won't work. But when I need something printed, it prints!

Praise the Lord God Most High, Yahweh! When we stand on His Scripture promises, they come true! He does supply all our needs.

For more encouragement and inspiration by Lynn Zuk-Lloyd, sign up for her email newsletter.

Friday, March 7, 2014

The Miracle of Hot Water

One of my friends would be driving a long way, to attend the same conference I was going to. I was so excited that she would also be staying overnight at my house. The day before the conference, the water heater died. My husband called the repair man, who said he would come the following afternoon. Perfect! There would be hot water when my friend and I returned home after a long day of hearing speakers and taking notes.

When we stepped through the door, after the first day of the conference, my husband said there was good news and bad news. The good news was the repair man came. The bad news was he needed to order a part that would take five days to be shipped to us. The repair man was able to reset the water heater so we had some “warm” water. I prayed to the Lord that there would be hot water for my guest and that I would also be able to get a shower.

The next morning, both of us were not only able to shower, but we had hot showers, and happily drove back to the conference feeling clean and refreshed. When the conference ended, I said goodbye to my friend and returned home.
But the next four days, my husband and I were barely able to take a quick “warm” shower before the water turned cold. Then I realized that the Lord had given us a miracle. HE allowed our guest to have hot water to shower with. Praise the Lord! For Jesus Christ is never short on miracles.

For more encouragement and inspiration by Lynn Zuk-Lloyd, sign up for her email newsletter.

Friday, February 21, 2014

An Evening of Miracles

Two weeks ago, I attended at special mid-week healing event at Living Stone Christian Church in Aurora, Illinois. The pastor gave us an eye-opening, in-depth understanding of Isaiah 53. He also explained that all Scripture verses on healing are either present (By Christ’s stripes you are healed) or past (By Christ’s stripes you were healed) because Jesus Christ bore all our sin, diseases and mental anguish on the cross, so we don’t have to carry them.

At the end of the evening, the pastor asked us to stand up and agree with the Word of God, if we believed what the Bible said was true. Everyone stood up. Everyone agreed with God’s Word. Then he asked us how many people were healed. The majority of the people raised their hands and started giving testimonies.

That evening, I understand the power of agreeing with God’s Word, as I listened to the many miraculous healings. The next morning, I discovered that I, too, was healed!

Jesus Christ is truly a gift – a present from God.

For more encouragement and inspiration by Lynn Zuk-Lloyd, sign up for her email newsletter.

Monday, February 3, 2014

The Miracle of Snow!

Only a highly creative God could design water with properties that turn liquid into ice crystals when temperature drops. Only a wise, imaginative God can create a fluffy white blanket that not only buffers the ground and delicate plants from frigid air, but also lightens and brightens young hearts with a substance to sled upon and make snowmen.

Have you ever thought what kind of mind it takes to create a frozen substance that easily blows in the wind, packs tightly enough to make blocks for an igloo, and crunches loudly beneath our feet? Have you ever thought that snow might be a gift, a means, or a way to slow down, to practice quietness, or to be amazed at something beyond our control?

How often do we marvel at the splendor of the sparkling crystals that twinkle in delight when the sun shines upon them? Or ponder on the symphony of softness as snowflakes descend from the sky?  Or enjoy a winter walk through an opened field or sleepy forest? Or follow tracks left in the snow? How often do we embrace a snowfall as an opportunity to step out of our normal, everyday schedules to enter the wonderment of winter?

The mysteries of life are never solved in the busyness of life, but rather discovered in the forced moments of quietness that connect us with nature and with God.  An abundance of beauty and peace surrounds us when we open our eyes to perceive and our hearts receive, instead trying to squeeze more things into an over-packed day. May each snowfall become an opportunity for you to quiet your mind, lighten your load, and embrace the miracle happening around you.

For more encouragement and inspiration by Lynn Zuk-Lloyd, sign up for her email newsletter.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

The Miracle of Provision

Two weeks before our tax was due, our accountant gave us the bad news. The amount we owed was way beyond anything we had on hand.  My husband and I didn’t know what to do. Yet Scripture talks about God providing for HIS people and declares that God feeds the sparrows, and that we are more valuable to God than the birds. In Matthew 10:31, Jesus Christ says, “So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.”

So I took advice I read in a book by Nichole Marbach, about Jesus’ name being above all names: I wrote down the tax problem, plus a list of other issues, challenges, worries, concerns and fears. Then I wrote “Jesus Christ” in large letters at the top of the page, above the long list, acknowledging that HE is indeed higher than all things. I gave my list to the Lord and thanked HIM for being above all things and thanked HIM for being my Provider.

The day the bill was due, there was enough money to cover it. I took the envelope to the post office, asked for it to be hand-stamped to show the date it was mailed, and went home praising the Lord. For HE is never short on miracles.
For more encouragement and inspiration by Lynn Zuk-Lloyd, sign up for her email newsletter.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

The Miracle of Faith

The strong wind is blowing continuously outside, as temperatures drop below freezing. The slushy driveway of this afternoon has iced over, and the car is safe in the garage. The warmth of my husband’s office – where the door remains closed to keep heat from escaping, is warm and toasty.

The difference between the frigidness outside the house and the pleasantness inside, symbolizes the difference between the physical and spiritual worlds. The physical world we live in can be harsh, cold and threatening. Christ’s realm is joyful, comforting and protective.

Every day we have a choice. We can let the bitterness of wrongdoings, the frigidness of angry words or the harshness of unforgiveness in people and situations around us, pull us down, or we can snuggle under the warm, protective safety of God’s wings. Choosing the later, is the miracle of faith. For where our thoughts are, our heart is.

For more encouragement and inspiration by Lynn Zuk-Lloyd, sign up for her email newsletter.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Happy New Year

Happy New Year! The focus on this blog for 2014 will be twofold: Miracles and prophetic art. Because miracles are amazing, and they give honor to God, they are important to talk about. Miracles also strengthen our faith and draw us closer to Jesus Christ, who did the greatest miracle of all – He reconnected us with God the Father.

And what a miracle it is to know that Yahweh is smiling at us every time we look at Him. For Ephesians 2:6 says that God the Father raised us up with Christ and seated us with Him in heavenly places, to show us the incomparable riches of His grace, expressed in His kindness to us in Christ Jesus. This is an amazing miracle!

And the fact that you are still here today is a miracle, too. If you are alive, God has been watching over you. He has plans to prosper and grow you in ways beyond your imagination. This is the year to let Him do that, as you yield to the Lord. And as you grow closer to Christ, you will see more miracles happen.

Prophetic art is also a type of miracle. Prophetic art is art the Lord uses to speak to people’s hearts. This is a supernatural thing – a divine touch. And being an artist myself, I love to see how the Lord touches people’s hearts through art. And so this blog for 2014 will also talk about and include prophetic art.