Thursday, September 25, 2014

The Miracle of Creating Something Beautiful

It started out as an ordinary day, until I attended a watercolor class by Rosie Martindale. Watercolor had always been my least favorite method of producing art. But that day, Rosie showed me something new. I learned how to watch special effects “appear” just by adding salt to the wet colors and nudging them to blend certain ways. Excitement sprung up, as I experimented with new techniques. Amazement filled my heart, as the images emerged. Joy surrounded my entire being, when I saw the end result. It was nothing short of a miracle!

The next day, all I wanted to do was create art. I could hardly wait to make things with the tools I had at hand. In an adrenalin rush of joy and excitement, I was also in awe of the Holy Spirit, who is calling forth art that honors both Him and His Kingdom! I marveled that the God the Father would enable us artists to create beautiful pictures. I rejoiced that the Creator of the Universe takes joy when we create art. And I celebrated the fact that Jesus Christ creates with us when we invite Him to do so. For He is the One who enables the colors to blend into the most remarkable ways to produce what is only possible through Him.

For more encouragement and inspiration by Lynn Zuk-Lloyd, sign up for her email newsletter.

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