A gentle fog rests over the sleepy footpath, blocking out the early morning sun. The tree standing in front of me is visible, but everything behind it is covered in a gray mist. I look into the clouds above my head. One, tiny opening reveals a glimpse of blue sky. As the opening widens, two small, puffy white clouds appear. Hope! My spirit rises in the hopes of a sunny day. But as I search my purse for paper and pen to put these words down, the opening closes up.
Is hope lost when I cannot see it? No. My hope in Christ is what I trust in. Even though I cannot physically see Him, I know He's there, just as I know there is blue sky behind those gray clouds.
I look up from my paper. The gray covering thins out in several places. A few, tiny openings appear. As I watch, they increase in size, and so does the blue sky. More puffy, white clouds come into view. I rejoice! How glorious! How exciting! The more I look, the more I see. It's just like faith. The more I look towards Jesus, the move I begin to see.
This morning's walk reassures me that when the dark clouds creep into my life and threaten me with gloom and doom, I know without a doubt, there is a blue sky behind them — a blue sky of hope in Jesus Christ, who is always with me.
For more encouragement by Lynn Zuk-Lloyd, go to www.promisegarden.com
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