Friday, June 10, 2011

Flourishing Tree

The flickering light on my writing tablet caused me to turn around and look outside. Rough wind jostled the tree branches close to the house. Joyfully, the sun's rays danced across the room. What glorious freedom the leaves have to swing and sway high above the ground. They dance with delight to the melodies of the whistling wind.

Only a month ago, the tree was barren and leafless. But the spring rains came, the temperature increased, and a glorious crown of rich green covered the enormous tree. The foliage produced an abundance of shade with its thousands of leaves. It became a shelter for birds, a home for squirrels, and a resting place for those looking for a refuge from the hot sun.

Be like a tree flourishing in the Lord. Display the foliage of truth — the abundance of God's promises that offer shade and shelter from the hot sun of blinding temptations and false promises that burn and destroy. Let the beauty within you emerge as you burst forth in the joy of Jesus and dance to the tune of God's love.

For more encouragement by Lynn Zuk-Lloyd, go to

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