The sound of ocean waves resonates outside my window. Loud, soft. Loud, soft. Yet I do not live near any body of water. The sound is produced by the wind blowing through the trees, rustling their leaves. How amazing that a bunch of leaves, which can never sing on their own, can imitate the song of the ocean when moved by the invisible wind. How relaxing is this song that soothes my soul and lifts my spirit when I take time to listen.
The same goes for us. On our own, we are limited in what we can produce. But when we gather with other followers of Jesus Christ and allow the wind of His Holy Spirit to move through us, wonderful sounds are released. Heavenly songs of beauty, health, wholeness and healing come forth. Our spirits are lifted, peace fills the air, and joy abounds.
That's why I love gathering with people who come together to listen for and sing the songs of Heaven. That's why I can hardly wait for the Healing Conference that will happen September 28 -30 at Faith Lutheran Church in Geneva, IL. (www.flcgeneva.net) I love to see the Hand of the Lord move through people that He gathers, and watch healing, joy and restoration come forth.
May the wonder working miracles of
God's amazing power bring a breakthrough for you where you need God's song of Heaven to fill your life.
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Cannons of thunder rumbles in the distance. I look at the blackening sky. The day becomes as dark as night. A storm is coming and it's coming fast! Yet, I will NOT be afraid, for the Lord God is with me and He is greater than any storm. Scripture promises that God's mighty love encases me, that His protective Arms encompass me, and that He holds me close to His Heart as I trust in Him. Scripture also promises that Jesus Christ stations His angels around me.
Thank you, Lord Jesus, that You are blowing away the darkness of the day and bringing forth your goodness. Thank you that as the clouds sail by at amazing speeds You usher in the much needed rain. Thank you for remembering our neediness and showering us with your refreshing water. Please quench our thirsty souls as You water the parched earth.
May the wonder working miracles of God's amazing power bring a breakthrough for you in the areas of fear, chaos and overwhelming busyness.
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For more encouragement, inspiration and prophetic art by Lynn Zuk-Lloyd, sign up for her email newsletter.