Monday, November 14, 2011

Canyon Detour

Brown leaves concealed sections of the trail as it wound through the canyon. Traveling was slow. Numerous roots and jagged rocks created an uneven path. Detours around a few fallen trees and occasional pools of murky water also made hiking treacherous. I pushed forward, hoping this canyon would have a trail leading to higher ground. It came to a dead end. The image that stood in front of me — fallen logs hanging over the edge of a stone cliff and dead branches rotting in a pool of stagnant water — reminded me of life.

Discouraged, I walked out of the canyon, wondering why my efforts seem to fall down, get stuck in the mud, or come to a dead end. Then words of encouragement popped into my head, "Don't give up. Persevere. Press forward. God knows the way." I felt uplifted and started humming a melody. Words formed on my lips, and I began singing, "Lead me to the Rock that is higher than I." Yes, I needed to go to the Rock that is higher than I because Jesus Christ is the Rock, and He is the way.

May you breakthrough every obstacle that is keeping you from the abundant life that Jesus Christ has for you. For more encouragement and inspiration by Lynn Zuk-Lloyd, go to

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