Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Waiting for Change

Yesterday, the wind blew harshly against the bare trees. Branches creaked back and forth, under the gloomy, gray sky. Some of the weaker ones fell off, barely missing the small birds and animals looking for shelter. Today, the wind is gone, the cloudless sky is a beautiful shade of deep blue, and young squirrels leap from branch to branch. Even the chickadees are pecking at trees to find insects, while the mourning doves rest upon on the high branches to bask in the warm sun.

I am so thankful that change happens, storms pass, seasons come to an end, and new days can begin with hope and expectation. I am so grateful that the way things are today, they don't have to be tomorrow, that blue skies lie beyond the dark clouds, and that the sun is always shining somewhere.

The wind still blows harshly in my life. The things I try to do still come apart at the seams. Passing clouds still try to obscure my vision. But I have hope — hope in the promises of God, hope in the plans He has for my future, and hope that He will get me where I need to be. And because of this hope, when I fall down, I can get up again. When I fail, I'm one step closer to success. And whether the sun comes out or the clouds cover the sky, I can still scamper with delight up to the Tree of Life, and celebrate Jesus Christ.

May you breakthrough every obstacle that is keeping you from the abundant life that Jesus Christ has for you. For more encouragement and inspiration by Lynn Zuk-Lloyd, go to

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Hidden Beauty

Standing leafless under the overcast sky, the maple tree looks stark and bare. It appears to be stripped of all beauty as it enters its winter sleep. Yet in a hidden, secret place beneath the fertile soil, rich growth begins to take place in the tree's roots.

Just like the maple in winter, our outward appearance doesn't always reflect the inner transformation that is taking place. God meets us in the hidden, secret place of our heart, to prepare us for new growth. And like the tree, we need to rest during this process, except our rest is in Jesus Christ, who covers us with His love.

Do not try to determine the outcome of what you see around you with your naked eyes. It's in the dark times, when everything looks stark and barren, deep inner growth is taking place. You cannot see it. Others are not showing it. You many wonder if anybody can do anything about the problems all around us. But do not despair. Fix your eyes on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. And when that new growth in Jesus Christ is ready to spring forth, nothing can stop it.

May you breakthrough every obstacle that is keeping you from the abundant life that Jesus Christ has for you. For more encouragement and inspiration by Lynn Zuk-Lloyd, go to

Monday, November 14, 2011

Canyon Detour

Brown leaves concealed sections of the trail as it wound through the canyon. Traveling was slow. Numerous roots and jagged rocks created an uneven path. Detours around a few fallen trees and occasional pools of murky water also made hiking treacherous. I pushed forward, hoping this canyon would have a trail leading to higher ground. It came to a dead end. The image that stood in front of me — fallen logs hanging over the edge of a stone cliff and dead branches rotting in a pool of stagnant water — reminded me of life.

Discouraged, I walked out of the canyon, wondering why my efforts seem to fall down, get stuck in the mud, or come to a dead end. Then words of encouragement popped into my head, "Don't give up. Persevere. Press forward. God knows the way." I felt uplifted and started humming a melody. Words formed on my lips, and I began singing, "Lead me to the Rock that is higher than I." Yes, I needed to go to the Rock that is higher than I because Jesus Christ is the Rock, and He is the way.

May you breakthrough every obstacle that is keeping you from the abundant life that Jesus Christ has for you. For more encouragement and inspiration by Lynn Zuk-Lloyd, go to

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Rocky Steps

As we climb the hard, rocky steps of life, we discover that Jesus Christ provides shelter and rest along the way. Through our weary eyes, the road often looks gloomy, gray and barren. But as we learn to rest in the love of God, we begin to see things from a different perspective. We begin to realize that He turns the barren wastelands into blooming gardens. And as we stand more on His Word, we begin to see His promise of abundant life for us.

Enable us, Holy Spirit, to stand on Christ's promises and replace our negative thinking with the truth of your Word. Help us, Lord God Almighty, to remember that it's not what our physical eyes see, but what your Word says, and the truth that You speak into our hearts, that brings us victory. May the truth, that we are your beloved, and the promise that through Jesus Christ we have victory and are overcomers, replace every the doubt, negative thought, and fear that arises in our heart. For as we stand on your Word, and align our thoughts with your promises, our heart becomes open to the abundance of Your blessings.

May you breakthrough every obstacle that is keeping you from the abundant life that Jesus Christ has for you. For more encouragement and inspiration by Lynn Zuk-Lloyd, go to

Friday, November 4, 2011

Be Like a Child

It is good to practice being like a child — to sing in the rain, to dance in the storms, to watch the puffy, white clouds go by. And sometimes, to get silly.

It is good to let go of our worries and cares, by placing them in the capable hands of Jesus Christ, so we can bask in the light of His love, be filled with God's wonderful peace, and experience joy in our heart.

May you practice being like a child today, and enjoy the freedom that comes from Jesus Christ.

To view this video on YouTube, click here.

For more encouragement and inspiration by Lynn Zuk-Lloyd, go to