Sometimes we need to be like the pine tree that lets go of the old to make room for the new. We need to drop our old ways to embrace the newness of what Jesus Christ is doing in our lives. Other times we need to be like the blue spruce that needs the maturity, the experience, the strength, or the wisdom of the old to add fullness to the new. The beauty of a tall building exists because of the many floors and the solid foundation under it. When we build upon what the Lord has already given us, we become stronger and are better prepared to help others.
As we go through life, we need wisdom from the Lord to know when to let go and when to retain. We need to know when our branches will become weak if we do not drop what we cling to, and when are branches will become stronger if we build upon what is already there.
May we breakthrough the obstacles that are keeping us embracing the wisdom that our Heavenly Father so eagerly offers us. For more encouragement and inspiration by Lynn Zuk-Lloyd, go to www.promisegarden.com
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