My ear is drawn to the bird's music. I listen closely as the bird sings a few notes, stops, and then repeats the pattern. It does this again and again. Time does not deter the bird, nor does the racing traffic. Listening to the bird's singing becomes more important to me than the commuting cars. So my mind fades the highway noises into the background. After a while, my ear tunes into something new -- the faint sound of a second bird, answering each of the first bird's calls.
The bird is teaching me how to tune into God's voice. If I take time to sing out songs of gratitude and praises, despite the busyness and interruptions all around me, my focus changes. I become more aware of the delightful sound of Jesus Christ whispering His love to me than the stressful noises that the world is shouting at me. And if I persevere in my songs of prayer and praise, I begin to hear the soft voice of the Lord through the peace that quietly seeps into my room. And this is where the conversation between the Divine and the natural begins.
May you breakthrough the barriers in your life that are keeping your beauty hidden. For more encouragement and inspiration by Lynn Zuk-Lloyd, go to www.promisegarden.com
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