Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Light Cheers People Up

It's amazing how happy I felt after opening the curtains and seeing the early morning sun shine through the thick, tree covering. Seeing some of the lower branches glimmer in the sun's rays made my heart leap for joy!

What is it about light that makes people so happy? I don't know the full answer, but I do know that light brings cheerfulness to my inner being and darkness doesn't. Therefore, I need to learn to stop focusing on the shadows around me. Staring into the dark areas never brings clarity of vision, so my eyes need to get off them. Hanging onto "what if" is a bad idea, too. Dwelling on what should have happened or could have happened is not only time waster, but also drags me down. Making more room in my too-busy schedule for more of God's light is another great idea because when I loose sight of His light I find myself stressed, over committed, and overwhelmed.

Holy Spirit, help me to ignore the shadows that vie for my attention and step into your light. Enable me to become more aware of your presence, Jesus Christ, and welcome more of your love, your power, and the quietness that Your light bring to my soul. I want to be like the tree that stands in majestic stillness to bask in the light of your mighty love.

For more encouragement and breakthrough inspiration by Lynn Zuk-Lloyd, go to

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