A few weeks ago, during the sermon at church, I could feel cool air blowing on my right hip. At first it didn’t bother me, but then my hip started to get stiff and sore. I tried to cover it with my lightweight jacket, but that didn’t help. By the time the sermon ended, the hip was getting painful.
Then the pastor did something different. He asked us to stand up and agree with God’s Word in Isaiah 53 that says by Christ’s stripes we are healed. He told us to place our hands anywhere on our body that needed healing. And then he led us in a beautiful praise and proclamation of Scriptural truth. With excitement he asked, “Did anyone receive a healing?” One lady raised her hand excitedly, and with tears of joy, gave a testimony of being healed.
Then the pastor asked, “Did anyone feel improvement of any kind?” My hip felt less stiff and less sore, so I raised my hand. He asked every person who felt some kind of improvement to step forward, even if it was only a little bit better. We did, and he told us to claim God’s promise of healing in Scripture and walk around. And as I did the pain in my hip disappeared and all stiffness vanished!
For more encouragement and inspiration
by Lynn Zuk-Lloyd, sign up for her email

The month of March was wonderfully exciting, but extremely hectic. Three events, outside of my normal busy schedule, took place, and all of them required hours of preparation. By the time they were over, I was physically exhausted. Even though I rested on Sunday, the three days that followed it required a slower pace and resting in-between activities.
When Wednesday evening arrived, I didn’t even set the alarm clock. I had reasoned that my body would need more sleep. But God had different plans. Early Thursday morning, I woke up feeling the gentle peace of Jesus Christ in the room. HE placed an image in my mind of two interlocking rings that represented HIM living in me and me living in HIM. Then HE invited me to ponder on this mystery. As I thought about it, I could sense the sweetness of HIS Love. So I got up, went into the other room, drew two interlocking rings and wrote down what came to mind. It was a beautiful way to start the day by dwelling on Christ and then resting in the knowledge of HIM being near.
Later that day, I realized a miracle had happened. All the exhaustion that had plagued my body was gone! And I was able to attend a special event that evening – a Seder Dinner and Passover Celebration. Thank you, Lord Jesus, for healing my weary body.
For more encouragement and inspiration
by Lynn Zuk-Lloyd, sign up for her email