Wednesday, December 10, 2014

The Miracle of Receiving Christ’s Love

While getting ready to do a workshop for a group of women, the Lord impressed upon me the importance of letting participants know that HE loves them unconditionally. So I wrote down the thoughts that came into my heart: “You are My child, and I, the Lord God Almighty, love you. I love you simply because you are My child. I created you and I love you, and nothing in this world can keep me from loving you.

“I love you when you wake up. I love you when you get dressed. I love you as you go through each day’s activities. I love you when you sit down. I love you when you stand up. I love you when you sleep at night.

“My thoughts towards you are always filled with loving kindness. And I think about you all the time. For My Heart’s desire is to bless you -- to bless you when you are awake and to bless you when you sleep. To bless you when you eat, and to bless you when you speak.

“Look at ME, the Lord God Most High, and let ME bless you. For My thoughts towards you are always good. They are always filled with loving kindness.”

And as I basked in these words, a deep peace permeated my entire being. I felt loved by the Creator of the Universe, and it was beautiful beyond description. 

But the biggest surprise came later, when I was confronted by an angry person. Usually darts of anger thrown at me cause pain. But this time, the negative words did not penetrate the shield of God’s protective love. I felt so encompassed by HIS goodness and grace, that for the first time in my life, I was able to look at the angry person and not only have compassion for him, but also bless him. And that was a miracle!

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