Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Rest and Preparation

The sun peeks around the corner of the hill, bringing light to the land that lays dormant in its winter sleep. As the ground rests, the soil is being enriched by good, microscopic bacteria that is breaking down the fallen leaves and dried grass, and turning them into fertilizer for future plants. The earth is being renewed, prepared and primed for a fresh season of growth. And we are, too.

Jesus Christ is preparing us for new growth. He is calling us to rest in His everlasting arms, so we can better receive His strength and His blessings. He is stirring a desire in our hearts to know Him better, so He can unlock the secrets of living the abundant life that Scripture promises. He is opening doors to new opportunities and unlimited possibilities, as we submit ourselves and what we do, to Him.

May you know that God the Father, blesses you in the Heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ Jesus, when you accept Christ as your Lord and Savior. May you know that you have unlimited potential, and eternal grace to step into the calling the Lord set before you. May you know that no matter what age you are, new growth awaits you, and you can bloom with the gifts of Heaven, and become a sweet fragrance reflecting God's love.

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Are you looking for a great book to read during Lent, listen to a 2-minute reading from Awaken Me! 40 Day Challenge. Click here.

For more encouragement and inspiration by Lynn Zuk-Lloyd, sign up for her email newsletter.

Friday, February 24, 2012

A Covering of Gentle Whiteness

Over a trillion tiny snowflakes dance through the air, on a dark winter night. The falling snow clings to the trees and blankets the earth, in a covering of gentle whiteness, that awaits the rising sun. What a joy to look out the window in the early morning light, and see the world encased in white!

What a joy to know that I am encased in the brightness of God's love — that my sins are covered by the purity and holiness of Jesus Christ and the complete work He did on the cross. What a joy to know that Jesus is making me whiter than snow as I trust in Him, and celebrate the risen "Son" who sits at the right hand of God the Father. What a joy to know that Christ extends this blessing to everyone who is willing to accept it.

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Are you looking for a great book to read during Lent, listen to a 2-minute reading from Awaken Me! 40 Day Challenge. Click here.

For more encouragement and inspiration by Lynn Zuk-Lloyd, sign up for her email newsletter.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

River Journey

From the top of the high mountain, Anne could see where she needed to be. Many mountain ranges stood between her and her destination, and they were too steep to climb. Anne would have to travel by river, and the only available water craft was a canoe.

The canoe was large enough for two people, plus supplies. Anne would need to travel with someone who knew how to navigate the mighty rivers — someone that she could trust. She found the right person standing by the canoe. She told him that she was inexperienced and barely knew how to swim. He handed her a life jacket and told her to step in. He also gave her one instruction. She was to sit facing him. Anne protested. She wanted to see where she was going. How could the journey be any fun if she couldn't see what was up ahead? Her navigator told her that if she saw the dangers in front of her, she would panic. He said the only safe way for her to travel and enjoy the journey was to look at him. Anne reluctantly agreed.

The journey led Anne into deep waters, through roaring rapids, and onto a peaceful lake. She weathered gale-force winds, pouring rain, scorching sun, and freezing cold nights. Anne learned how to dodge overhanging trees, wade through mud, and help carry the canoe around waterfalls. The journey has been long, and she still hasn't completed it, but Anne has learned how to better trust her navigator, Jesus Christ.

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Are you looking for a great book to read during Lent, listen to a 2-minute reading from Awaken Me! 40 Day Challenge. Click here.

For more encouragement and inspiration by Lynn Zuk-Lloyd, sign up for her email newsletter.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The Duck and the Shadow

The shadow crept closer growing bigger, deeper, longer and taller as the sun went down. Twisting its head backwards, the white duck stared at the frightening shadow that seemed to follow its every move. It did not want to be eaten for dinner, stuck in a cage, or have its feathers stuffed in a pillow.

When the duck saw how huge the shadow was, it jumped. The shadow loomed higher than the bird's head and wider than the its body, causing the duck to visualize a distorted image of itself. The bird inched away from the shadow until it's webbed foot touched some loose stones, near the edge of the cliff. The duck knew that if it moved any farther, it would plunge to certain death.

Out of great fear, the young bird called out to the Lord. Jesus Christ reminded the duck that shadows are not real — especially the shadows of our imagination. Gumming up courage, the bird ran past the shadow; it ran into the awaiting arms of Jesus Christ, who took away the fear.

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Are you looking for a great book to read during Lent, listen to a 2-minute reading from Awaken Me! 40 Day Challenge. Click here.

For more encouragement and inspiration by Lynn Zuk-Lloyd, sign up for her email newsletter.

Friday, February 17, 2012

From Dreams to Reality

The beauty of a butterfly is not in its strength, but in its gentle delicateness and vibrant colors. It catches our attention not with trumpet blasts or sudden thunder, but with quiet-like whispers. It doesn't move fast, like a speeding car, but travels further than most people vacation.

Normally we do not think of butterflies in winter, as they are not cold weather creatures. But it's in the winter moments where dreams, like butterflies, begins to alight, and the sweetness of God-given ideas stir our hearts to ascend to new levels of discovery.

Just as the butterfly needs to go through a time of transformation in its cocoon, we need to encase ourselves in the warmth and goodness of Christ's love. And when we do this, change happens. As we renew our minds to line up with God's Word, we discover that it's out of the passion of Jesus Christ's Heart and the fire of His love that our dreams rise up out of the dust and become reality.

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Are you looking for a great book to read during Lent, listen to a 2-minute reading from Awaken Me! 40 Day Challenge. Click here.

For more encouragement and inspiration by Lynn Zuk-Lloyd, sign up for her email newsletter.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Hidden Flowers

Somewhere beneath the surface of the gloomy winter, growth is taking place. Seeds of new ideas are beginning to take root. Rays of sunshine are seeping through the cracks, bringing light to the dark areas of our hearts. Faith is increasing. Hope is growing stronger. God is strengthening His people.

The Lord is calling us to rise up and step into the richness of His grace. That which is not yet seen will become visible. And the beauty that is hidden will spring forth. Resist looking at the gloominess around you. Grab hold of your faith in Jesus Christ and gaze into the brightness of His mighty love. For in the light of His love, all things are possible.

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If you haven't yet found an uplifting devotional book to read during Lent, check out Awaken Me! 40 Day Challenge. To see and hear a 2-minute reading from this book, click here.

For more encouragement and inspiration by Lynn Zuk-Lloyd, sign up for her email newsletter.

Friday, February 10, 2012

The Snow is Falling

The snow is falling. It started out as large, fluffy flakes, then turned to smaller ones. Now the brown earth is covered in white again. Silence fills the air, and a softness enters my heart. Peace is singing its song of stillness. It's calling me to come and rest in the arms of Jesus Christ. For just as the snow blankets the earth, the Lord wants to blanket me in the softness of His love.

May you also find rest in the arms of Jesus. If you haven't yet found a good, uplifting devotional book to read during Lent, check out Awaken Me! 40 Day Challenge. To see and hear a 2-minute reading from this book, click here.

If you found this post helpful, please share it by clicking the Facebook, Twitter or other buttons below. For more encouragement and inspiration by Lynn Zuk-Lloyd, sign up for her email newsletter.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Preparing for Lent

The wooden fence stands in pensive silence on a windless, winter day. The snow has melted, the temperature has risen above freezing, and even the sun has decided to show its face. Yet, signs of life seems far away in this photograph that reflects light and shadows in shades of brown and gray.

Sometimes the bleakness of winter makes us feel like this wooden fence — gray, knotty, and unproductive. Yet inside, there is life, color and vibrancy waiting to burst into our lives and break through the passive bubble of dark seclusion that blocks out the light of God. We were meant to live a life of joy, excitement and wholeness in Jesus Christ. And through the cracks in our lives, His light is breaking through.

But there is more — much, much more. The brightness that keeps us going in our winter moments is increasing. And the joy of Jesus is making us stronger. The Lord is calling us to draw closer to His Heart and see what He is doing. The old is gone; the new has already started. Look not at the grayness of winter or the grayness of the economy. Look at Jesus Christ, and you will find hope and a future and be able to shine.

May you be blessed by this blog. If you haven't yet found a good, uplifting devotional book to read during Lent, check out Awaken Me! 40 Day Challenge. To see and hear a 2-minute reading from this book, click here.

If you found this post helpful, please share it by clicking the Facebook, Twitter or other buttons below. For more encouragement and inspiration by Lynn Zuk-Lloyd, sign up for her email newsletter.